Saturday, June 27, 2020

Did Jesus shed his blood so you could keep on sining

Jesus offers you a chance at pardon for past sins - Through his blood

He gives you time to stop sinning and repent - Through his grace

Romans 6 sums it up for you
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
God forbid! How shall we, who are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

Repent or as Jesus himself warns you will perish

Why does Jesus tell us to repent

Jesus says:

Luke 13
verse 3
I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

He then repeats his warning in verse 5
I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

From his own mouth he tells you you must repent, agree with him and stop sinning or you will likewise perish.  He said this to his disciples, his friends, he means no less for you. 

You are not saved by grace alone .... his blood does not allow you to continue in sin. You must do as he says and repent. 

Jesus is not a liar.

Webster's dictionary:

re·​pent | \ ri-ˈpent  \

Definition of repent

 (Entry 1 of 2)

 to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one's life

to feel regret or contrition

to change one's mind

1to cause to feel regret or contrition

2to feel sorrow, regret, or contrition for

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Why so many lies about him

ANTIFA Supporting mass murder and tyrants since 1920



Bolshevik communist murderers slaughtered family with no mercy at the turn of the century
 under the leadership of Trotsky and his fellow murdering scumbag Lenin. 

They sent murdering scum ANTIFA into Germany and Poland to topple statues and interfere with elections by intimidating voters in the 1920s and 1930s. Same old strategy they are using today in the USA and the world.

The polish cavalry destroyed the Bolshevik Communist murderers and kicked Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin out of Poland and back into Russia in 1920...

But Stalin the ultimate Communist genocidal maniac starved over 7,500,000 men women and children to death in Ukraine in the early 1930s ... before WWII he could build up his army to invade Poland and Germany again.
ANTIFA are not anti fascist ... they love tyranny in any form. They have been supporting Bolshevik communist murders since the beginning of the gulags. They are anti freedom and supporters of genocide and intimidation. This scum needs to be destroyed not praised.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Fear God or love God

The answer is simply both

God is Holy and just

  • This means he must obey the law and punish sinners according to the law or he is not a just God.
We should fear him because he is holy and will deliver justice

God is long suffering and loving

  • He gives you time even though you are guilty - He has not taken you so he gives you opportunity to repent of your sins and trust in Jesus Christ to keep you from sin in the future.

  • Hr offers you a pardon for your past sins so he will not be forced to punish you - He sent his son to pay for your past sins with his blood on the cross if you accept him as the son of God and your savior.

We should love God for this

He has given us his Holy Bible so we can identify sins for followers of Christ in the new testament and we can see his judgment and long suffering love for us throughout the entire Bible.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Why were small protests to return to work so bad while blm in 1000s are so good

if you need a positive message ..., here’s a good Christian

Tucker Destroys Race Baiting Statistics

The media are the ones in need of training not the police. In the police we have some questionable individuals but our media as a whole does not understand simple numbers and they push lies in order to generate unrest.

  • Since 2015 Washington post keep records
  • Last year 1004 total police killings 
  • 802 where race was noted 
  •   371 white
  •   236 black
  •      10 times blacks unarmed killed
  •         5 officers attacked before 
  •         1 accident
  •         1 woman
  •        4 deaths unprovoked 
  •        2 of these deaths the officer involved was charged 
  • 2015 38 unarmed blacks - 32 unarmed whites 
  • 2019 safest year for blacks with only 10 unarmed killed
  • 2019 48 cops killed - more than total of all other unarmed races combined.
  • 2018 7407 blacks murdered - for every black shot by police over 700 killed by others 
  • Cop 18.5 times more likely yo be killed by a black than a unarmed black killed by a cop 
Media ignoring facts to push the politician race bater America hating agenda