Sign of the end times

1 Timothy 6:20
O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

  • Biology denied - male female in the mind of the beholder - science polluted 
  • Matter .... even an entire universe from nothing - impossible - fantasy called science
  • Same “scientists” who predicted ice age in 70s now predict warming & sea rise - no credibility - only claim “consensus” to deny experiment & challenge - false science

Mathew 24

Mathew 24:3 Jesus sits on Mount of Olives
Mathew 24:4 Take heed that no man decieve you
1. The first warning and sign from Jesus himself
Mathew 24:5 Many will come in his name and say they are Christ - deceive many
Mathew 24:6 Hear of wars and rumors of wars - be not troubled - not end yet

2. The second warning from Jesus - the beginning of Sorrows
Mathew 24:7 Nation against nation & kingdom against kingdom &
famines, pestilences earthquakes in diverse places 
Mathew 24:8 this is the beginning of sorrows
3. Christians delivered up to be afllicted and killed
5. Many false prophets arise
6 Love of many waxes cold - no love left in them except for themselves 

7. Gospel of the Kingdom preached in all nations 
      Then the end comes - once gospel is preached to all nations the end comes
         Then all in Judea flee to the mountains
          They (in Judea) must leave all in their houses behind
           Judeans working cannot go home for anything - they must flee
          Woe to pregnant mothers in Judea 
10. The days are shortened for the sake of THE ELECT - the elect being persecuted
           The sun is darkened
           The moon gives no light
           The stars fall from the heavens
            Powers of heaven are shaken
            All tribes of earth mourne
            They shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven
                    With great power and glory
                     They gather HIS elect from the four winds
                       From one end of heaven to the other

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