Friday, June 5, 2020

Tucker Destroys Race Baiting Statistics

The media are the ones in need of training not the police. In the police we have some questionable individuals but our media as a whole does not understand simple numbers and they push lies in order to generate unrest.

  • Since 2015 Washington post keep records
  • Last year 1004 total police killings 
  • 802 where race was noted 
  •   371 white
  •   236 black
  •      10 times blacks unarmed killed
  •         5 officers attacked before 
  •         1 accident
  •         1 woman
  •        4 deaths unprovoked 
  •        2 of these deaths the officer involved was charged 
  • 2015 38 unarmed blacks - 32 unarmed whites 
  • 2019 safest year for blacks with only 10 unarmed killed
  • 2019 48 cops killed - more than total of all other unarmed races combined.
  • 2018 7407 blacks murdered - for every black shot by police over 700 killed by others 
  • Cop 18.5 times more likely yo be killed by a black than a unarmed black killed by a cop 
Media ignoring facts to push the politician race bater America hating agenda

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