Saturday, June 13, 2020

Fear God or love God

The answer is simply both

God is Holy and just

  • This means he must obey the law and punish sinners according to the law or he is not a just God.
We should fear him because he is holy and will deliver justice

God is long suffering and loving

  • He gives you time even though you are guilty - He has not taken you so he gives you opportunity to repent of your sins and trust in Jesus Christ to keep you from sin in the future.

  • Hr offers you a pardon for your past sins so he will not be forced to punish you - He sent his son to pay for your past sins with his blood on the cross if you accept him as the son of God and your savior.

We should love God for this

He has given us his Holy Bible so we can identify sins for followers of Christ in the new testament and we can see his judgment and long suffering love for us throughout the entire Bible.

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