Tuesday, June 23, 2020

ANTIFA Supporting mass murder and tyrants since 1920



Bolshevik communist murderers slaughtered family with no mercy at the turn of the century
 under the leadership of Trotsky and his fellow murdering scumbag Lenin. 

They sent murdering scum ANTIFA into Germany and Poland to topple statues and interfere with elections by intimidating voters in the 1920s and 1930s. Same old strategy they are using today in the USA and the world.

The polish cavalry destroyed the Bolshevik Communist murderers and kicked Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin out of Poland and back into Russia in 1920...

But Stalin the ultimate Communist genocidal maniac starved over 7,500,000 men women and children to death in Ukraine in the early 1930s ... before WWII ....so he could build up his army to invade Poland and Germany again.
ANTIFA are not anti fascist ... they love tyranny in any form. They have been supporting Bolshevik communist murders since the beginning of the gulags. They are anti freedom and supporters of genocide and intimidation. This scum needs to be destroyed not praised.

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