Sunday, June 30, 2024

Fantastic sermon on the Jew from a real Christian pastor


If you are a Christian or a white American you need to hear this message and understand what you face and why - listen to this truth here

Last book of the Bible 

Jews have all characteristics of what God hates 


Painting from Russia - Jews murder 14 year old white girl in ritual sacrifice

- painting discovered last week

- Jews will now attack painting and artist 


  • Jews have lied to us for generations
  • Part of their character - is to be good at slander
  • Columny - lie for profit 
  • Congenital liars - cannot be honest - of their father the devil
  • Jews - tradition of lies - Babylonian Talmud 
  • Jews cannot hear the truth and must hate Jesus - because they are of the devil
  • Evil - transfer their guilt onto someone else - con artists 
  • Christ is the opposite of lying Jews 
  • Diablo’s = Jews and those who believe them
  • Create confusion - to mask their con.
  • Jews are Masonic luciferians - born liars 
  • Jews exhalt themselves above god - above Jesus 
  • Talmud - Jews people are the messiah 
  • Jews and those who believe the - are the enemy of God
  • Judaism = the reward and worship of sin
  • Christ = the worship of truth 
  • Kol Nidra - eve of yomkipur - song & violin = all vows from year before declared null and void
  • - Jews can now break all their vows - why they break all treaties .. no honor 
  • Cannot me libeve any of them - messianic Christian’s are liars - trust none
  • Their dishonor and lying makes them hated by all truthful people
  • Talmud 
    • A Jew may lie to hurt a Christian 
    • Jews must always try to deceive a Christian
    • God rewards clever liars 
  • Jews created Superman to counter Hitler 
  • Jews say Hitler said lie big and people will believe - Hitler warned about the big lie from the Jews in mien campf 
  • Jews believe they must accuse others of what they actually do
  • Christian’s cannot grasp the lying nature of Jews - and how much the hate the truth
  • Americans most lied to people on earth - Jew media and Jew government
  • How many American or Brits died in WWII - but ask how many Jews .. all know the 6m lie
  • Jews are always parasites on a host nation - parasites always kill their host
  • Big lie - the Jews are benevolent - true malevolent breed of murder
  • Deackula = the Jews and what they do to all 
  • Civil war to 911 = nothing but Jew treason
  • Mossad - by way of deception we shal wage war 
  • Talmud - all property of other nations belongs to the Jew - Orthodox Jew has no obligation to morality and Christian property may be taken by a Jew. 
  • Possession of all other people are like items in the dessert that have not been claimed yet - they want it all.
  • Restitution - thief must return double what he stole
  • Rev 3:9 - Jew = tribe of Judah 
  • Inventors of the chosen people myth - 1980 Jew encyclopedia - incorrect to call Bible Hebrew a Jew - and incorrect to call a Jew of today a Hebrew - they stole the identity of the Judah tribe 
  • Ashkenazi Jew stole the entire 12 tribes 
  • Jew has rewarded crime - law enforcement wears Jew star as badge - Jew theft rules 
  • Jew must get something for nothing - antitheses of Christian 
  • Parasite onky stops when meat is gone - or continuing will endanger the parasite 
  • Auschwitz - work will set you free - not everything is free  

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