Monday, February 12, 2024

The Best 1A Audit - The thin blue line of lies


 Watch these cops lie qnd break laws then invent laws
  • The public does not own the building - we do own it
  • The public areas are private 
  • Public employees have a right to privacy in public spaces 
  • Eyes can be trespassed for what they can see see 
Laws created - more lies
  • Must ID if cop asks - direct 4th amendment violation ( no RAS - no ID)
  • Cannot film aircraft FAA - absolute lie - no such law
  • Cannot film police badges - pure Bull shit
  • ID is required - asked for multiple times - pure lies

They have already tested two of the components they own
Their media
  • Pushed you to lockdown
  • Pushed masks on an uneducated public who knew nothing of the cancer potential from mask wearing
  • The masks made $billions in forced profits
  • They pushed the healthy to test even with no symptoms
  • They tests generated false positives 
  • The false positives generated fear in the weak minded 
  • The media use the fear to push more tests - more false positives - more fear
  • The media created a false positive test pandemic 
  • The media attacked all effective treatments to push the EUA
Their medical establishment
  • Setup testing in all medical facilities and pharmacies
  • They setup open air testing locations
  • They used the false positive to force quarantine on the healthy
  • They setup a protocol of death (morphine and remdesivir) in hospitals
  • Patients were murdered - family denied access to loved ones as they died alone 
  • Nurses and doctors danced on tiktok to celebrate their bonuses
  • They attacked all effective treatments - to illegally push the EUA
  • The EUA justified the deadly shots at WARP speed
  • The shots were FORCED by government, schools and employers 
  • A pandemic of “died suddenly” has swept the world
20,000,000 souls have been eliminated - more join them every day
Their media and their medical establishment have proven their loyalty and willingness to kill

Their police - thin blue line
  • Tried to enforce mandates as law (they are not)
  • Arrested children after violently assaulting them - for no make - no crime
  • Sent boats to arrest line surfers in the ocean - for no mask - no crime
  • Knocked 89 year old grandmothers to the ground - then pepper sprayed her - for no mask
  • Set dogs on people in a park - attacked with battons - for legal protests - no crime
  • Now they attack and arrest press - for freedom of speech and freedom of press
  • Now they follow orders to take a knee - and push the agenda
  • Now they stand down and allow children to be massacred in schools
  • Now they stand and watch blacks burn and loot in BLM 
  • Now they stand and watch as blacks fill garbage bags of stollen loot
But they will arrest you for speech, for filming, for anything they are ordered to. 
They do not serve the constitution or the people 
This is why they have their own flag - the thin blue line flag 

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