Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Why do so many blacks take instead of competing and earning?

No man can respect anyone who takes a handout when he could have provided for himself.

This is why blacks are so easily manipulated by the Jews and the Political class.

Through all the handout programs they now have no self respect and just take …. They take whatever their boss handlers give them and then just say thank you massa. Same as always. This makes them a liability to the true free working class as these takers will do anything they’re told to keep the scraps coming.

  • Affirmative action - places undeserving intellectually inadequates in colleges
  • Equal opportunity - gives bureaucrat HR tyrants control of productivity and targets whites
  • Race based lending - makes more blacks dependent on their masters … more useful idiots
The problem with blacks and any other who is willing to live off handouts so they don’t have to compete is that they will do anything … criminal or otherwise .. to keep what they don’t deserve coming to them.

They deserve the respect of no man.

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