Thursday, August 4, 2022

Hitler's Jewish Troops - not all German Jews were communists

The NAZIs recognized that not all German Jews were communists or communists sympathizers.
Thousands joined the German military and many held high ranks and received the highest military awards.
  • Over 150,000 troops
  • 2 field marshals - highest rank in German army
  • 15 generals
  • 8 lieutenant generals
  • 5 major generals
  • 20 recipients of the knights cross - highest German medal
Emil Maurice was one of the founders of the SS and an early member of the NSDAP and he was also of Jewish descent.

Why are these facts hidden from us? 
Did you know Hitler had Jewish troops, officers and even Jewish filed marshals .. (the highest military rank)?

This is why statues are attacked and history rewritten.

Here are more considerations as to why the German people accepted Hitler and how Hitler and  NAZIs rose to power

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