Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Arctic ice and government lies

15 years ago our buddies at NASA predicted Arctic sea ice would be gone, ice free by 2012.

Mark Serreze - senior “scientist” says the Arctic is screaming.  This is the terminology of a scientist…. Screaming.

Arctic sea ice extent is now highest in last 13 years, 6th highest this century. 

They use graphs showing sea ice from satellite data starting in 1979.  This was the highest sea ice levels in decades …. Leonard nimoy (spok) was in tv in the 70s with other “scientists” trying to terrify all into believing the world was headed into a new ice age. 

The actual data starts much further back than 1979.  Had they gone back and used the IPPC dat (shown here) people would sea the fluctuation and see that I’ve levels have been much lower the now in the recent past and also seen that 1979 was the top of a huge spike.   Disgusting liar.

Arctic sea ice is now the hiest in the last 13 years but the fake media and fake “scientists” are reporting it as in decline!  Liars, one and all.

 Ice levels are increasing but nothing is skyrocketing higher as fast as the costs of energy and fuel under this fake and illegal president and his bolshevik administration.

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