Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Whore on the scarlet beast

 Who is the woman Sitting on many waters. And Arrayed in scarlet and purple with gold and riches and With whom all the leaders of the earth have followed and obeyed and joined her in evil.

And who is this Scarlet beast with 7 heads and 10 horns she rides on.

The woman

The woman is A great city which reigns of kings and leaders. A city Which has killed many followers of Jesus Christ

This city sits on Seven hills - which are the 7 heads of the scarlet beast

Rome has long been known as the city on seven hills 

The scarlet beast

This beast is Satan himself who Was, is not, and will come out of the pit. He was - when he was high God and then Ruled the air, he is not when - when he is imprisoned for 1,000 years, and he comes out of the pit at the end of the 1,000 years to bring the rest of the Gog and Magog to their final end. 

The scarlet beast is Satan

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