Thursday, May 20, 2021

Signs and chronology of coming events

I do not aggree with the rapture sequence in the abive video ... but much of it is biblical.

Gospel preached to all the world 

Man of perdition revealed - great falling away 

Number of beast is number of a man - 666

Wrath begins - Tribulation

Great whore - Babylon - destroyed 

1st 4 of 7 Angel trumpets - 3rd of life destroyed - Wormwood

5th A gel trumpet - pit opened - end of 1st woe

1st Angel vial - sores on those who took mark or worshiped image of beast

2nd Angel vial - Sea = blood of a dead man - all souls in sea die

3rd Angel - rivers & fountains blood

4th Angel vial- sun - scorches men   - they blaspheme God and hate him for it 

Sun Moon and Stars darkened

Jesus returns - seen by all

Jesus returns

6th Angel vial - Armies gathered at Armageddon

Beast and false prophet into fire - Armies destroyed

7th Angel vail - it is done - great earthquake

Great city divided into three parts

Jesus rules for 1,000 years

Satan bound for 1,000 years

Thrones for those who were here with Jesus 

Final judgement - new heaven and earth

Satan released - brings Gog and Magog

God destroys them

Satan into lake of fire to torment forever

Great white throne judgement

New heaven - new earth - no more Sea

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