Tuesday, February 2, 2021

What must be done

 We are dealing with a syndicate or cartel (if you prefer) that cares about only one thing and that is money. 

They need to keep you under control to ensure their cash flow continues and they do this via programming and propaganda. Their programming is in the media, in Hollywood, in the press and tv and now they even spell it out in their commercials 

This commercial tells people it’s not a program ... it’s just a show .... it’s a program and it’s designed to push their programming on you and don’t let them deceive you about it.

Now that so many see them for what they are and ignore their propaganda and programming they are now pushing at full speed into pure tyranny

Here is what we can and must do 

  1. Pray. You need to build your relationship with God now more than ever. Be sure of your faith.
  2. Stalin, Mao, Castro and all communist pigs murdered hundreds of millions to keep control ... people who are Ok with this open stealing of an election and your vote and freedom are not your friends. Do not treat them as such.
  3. Democrat and Republican have now shown us they are Ok with this steal .. they are just two sides of the same coin. One to appeal to freedom lovers and one to appeal to leftists.  Do not give them any funding or donations of any kind going forward. Republicans stole Georgia and are no better than democrats. No more funds!
  4. TV is a big part of their control and funding. Your cable bill dumps millions into their coffers every month and must be stopped.  Get yourself an HD antenna and use apps to bring in internet free tv. I cannot watch tv now without seeing their manipulation and lies to push their programming.  No more funds!
  5. They manipulate the markets in their favor at your expense ... look to precious metals in physical form. No more funds!
  6. They are working hard and fast install and solidify their monopolies while destroying American small business. Do not buy China .... no Amazon, no Walmart, google ... avoid mask pushers like Home Depot. Publix, and chain pharmacies.  Use Ace, go to markets and a small pharmacy if you can   No more funds!
  7. The electrical grid is about to become a big part of their control. Supplement your home with solar. You do not need to run your entire house but have only enough for a 12v fridge, 12v usb for phones and tablets and enough inverted power for a small AC unit if needed. Break their control.
  8. Form local groups and reduce your use of social media and all other electronic communication. This simply exposes you to their manipulation and dominance. Find local patriots and family in Christ and organize.  Break their control and their surveillance.
  9. Locate patriot lawyers from with in your groups and outside the groups. Be prepared to oppose their unconstitutional tyranny when needed. Break their control and prepare to fight.
  10. Once you have the lawyers - stand against all tyranny and mask pushers and call out all communist every time you see them. 
  11. When you see a fellow patriot being oppressed unconstitutionally stand with them. 

Here are some thoughts from Lin Wood (a great American and man of God) on the subject much of which I have included above   




There was and is now only one way to restore this republic and end their “dominion” over us.  God bless every trooper who turned their backs on the Biden motorcade.  If only Trump had done here what has just put the fear of God into the same tyrants we face on the other side of the world. 


Support any military and law enforcement you know to be true to the constitution and their oath, the others deserve nothing from you.

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