Sunday, July 19, 2020

Dr Pam Popper – Trump Must Open America by Aug 11

This doctor is sounding the alarm that Trump could lose if he keeps listening to Fauci and others like him who are willfully destroying the lives of Americans who are becoming so demoralized in their bankruptcies and being pushed into masks that they will not vote for Trump who will allow this to happen to them.
President Trump must act now to retain the vote of the people who put him there and to regain the votes of the people who were appreciating what he was doing for all of us. Here are the things she lays out which must be done before August 11 or it may be too late and the deep state will have a victory.
She points out that now the old question of “are you better off now than 4 years ago?” The answer today for many who have lost too much is no.
Here is what she sees he must do right now:
  1. Remove Fauci 
  2. Set new team of epidemiologists who will have your back
  3. Daily briefing with them to show what is really happening 
  4. Expose hoax
  5. Every year CDC says billions of flu - less the. 15 million
  6. Setup daily gatherings of mass people to show no danger
I feel she right over the target and now I am concerned about Kanye West and his run as an independent. He is going to pull black votes away from Trump and that will be a blow to the numbers Trump will need to overcome to massive voter fraud Democrats are planning.

President Trump must act now or as this doctor points out it will be too late.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, love your work. I think Kanye has dropped out of it. Couldn't get on the ballot in many states and pulled the plug. Anyway, that's what the corrupt corporate media was saying.
