Tuesday, March 19, 2024

No blessing from God to the Jews

The promise to Abraham was not to him and his seeds or offspring.   The promise was only to Abraham and his most important descendant - Jesus Christ.

The blessing of God to others was only given to those who blessed Abraham himself ….not his seed. The curse of God was only against those who came against Abraham himself … not his seed … not his descendants and definitely not the Jews of today who worship and love only money. 

Jews were commanded not to profit from usury (lending with interest) yet it is all they do.  They literally have no other means of income but theft and usury on a governmental scale.  They even profit from loans to the military to take the lives of the innocent.  

There is no blessing to any who support their evil …. But there is death to ALL who support their sin.

Jesus showed you what to do when the money lenders have turned your house into a den of thieves.
Now, do it!

You have been supporting their lying media, paying for thier abortion industry and their wars with your taxes since the 1900s... How's that going for you so far? You feeling blessed yet? You ready for a change .... It's time. 

Or do you still think your pulpit and your govermnets they serve are being honest?

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