Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Billy Graham warns the president about the danger of the Jew

  • Darby 
    • Moody in the US
    • Darby teaches the Israeli reconnect in the end days 
  • Now we have a new covenant - Jesus opens up for all 
  • $300,000,000,000 since 1948
  • If you don’t know aTalmud you cannot know modern Judaism 
  • Over 40,000 Gazzans killed vs 1200 Jews 
  • Many Christian churches destroyed in Gazza 
  • 911 a Jew operation 
  • 1800 years the church did not teach Israel return in the last days
  • 2018 Billy Graham and Nixon
    • Two kinds of Jews - Synagog of Satan and the remnant 
    • All end days deceptions from the synagogue of Satan
    • Energized by Satan in end times - supernatural
    • Jews had strangle hold on Germans
    • Hitler went about wrong but Jew strangle hold must be broken 
  • Jews destroyed Germany into transgender hell hole
  • Too many wealthy evil influencers are Jews 
  • Too many Biden cabinet seats are Jews 

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