Monday, January 29, 2024

The nature of it all


There have always been men who desired to lead and take the burden and responsibility that comes with leadership.   This must be done by those who see no difference in the value of any other man's life. A leader who thinks some men have more value than others will be a tyrant and a danger to the people.


Those currently in power (ruling from behind the face of the Politicians) have gained too much control of powerful nations and use that control to secure their corrupt and crippling grasp of the people.

These people have profited for generations by enslaving with debt and usury and are doing everything in their power gain control and use that control to ensure that this grift continues. It all boils down to the love of money.

  • Stated goals to eliminate entire nations - simply based on race.
  • Fully in control of immigration - targeting only the nations with the majority race they hate.
  • Fully in control of legal system and using it against the people.
  • Fully in control of media and education and using them to deceive and destroy from within.
  • They setup organizations to meet and control the political process within the occupied nation to ensure all those "elected" at every level are there to benefit them - not the host nation.
  • They infect the host society to ensure free speech is attacked and their tyranny can continue unexposed and unchallenged.
  • They setup international controls to push deadly poisons.
  • They setup international scams to rob and indebt nations and their people via taxes. 
The target the homelands of the nations they use to invade others then have the government of the invaded nations act as allies in their genocide so the invaders will hate and attack the people of the nations they are in.  The must divide and conquer, they do not have enough of their own people to achieve their tyrannical goals.   They will use deadly force to guarantee their flow of money continues.


 For those in the world of faith the bible records that when a people became too powerful and completely absorbed with their own hubris, they built a tower to establish their dominance.

The solution then was to create separate nations to isolate and create barriers to communication and the tyranny that ensues.  While at this point it is impossible to stop international communications, nor would we want to but the need to have separate nations is the key.  No global establishments of any kind can be supported by any of us who understand tyranny and love freedom.

There are things we can do that must be done in the same way they have had so much success, we have a path back, 

There are insects who infect and control even the mind of the host insect. They take full control as the parasite they are and use the insect until they have gotten all they need - then the host insect is discarded and killed.  We have a parasite problem.

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