Wednesday, January 31, 2024


Not human

why try to convince the weak minded 
That they don’t know what a woman is 
That only an expert can define a woman
That she’s not really human ….

Because the lines must be blurred 
So their ideology can be accepted

Baba Meziah 114b - non Jews are not human - they are beasts
Yebamoth 98a all non-Jew children are animals 

Excellent post - all a lie - memoirs all a lie - evil


Monday, January 29, 2024

Stew Peters and HT expose the Jew and attacks on 1st amendment

For those who don't like the direct mention

The nature of it all


There have always been men who desired to lead and take the burden and responsibility that comes with leadership.   This must be done by those who see no difference in the value of any other man's life. A leader who thinks some men have more value than others will be a tyrant and a danger to the people.


Those currently in power (ruling from behind the face of the Politicians) have gained too much control of powerful nations and use that control to secure their corrupt and crippling grasp of the people.

These people have profited for generations by enslaving with debt and usury and are doing everything in their power gain control and use that control to ensure that this grift continues. It all boils down to the love of money.

  • Stated goals to eliminate entire nations - simply based on race.
  • Fully in control of immigration - targeting only the nations with the majority race they hate.
  • Fully in control of legal system and using it against the people.
  • Fully in control of media and education and using them to deceive and destroy from within.
  • They setup organizations to meet and control the political process within the occupied nation to ensure all those "elected" at every level are there to benefit them - not the host nation.
  • They infect the host society to ensure free speech is attacked and their tyranny can continue unexposed and unchallenged.
  • They setup international controls to push deadly poisons.
  • They setup international scams to rob and indebt nations and their people via taxes. 
The target the homelands of the nations they use to invade others then have the government of the invaded nations act as allies in their genocide so the invaders will hate and attack the people of the nations they are in.  The must divide and conquer, they do not have enough of their own people to achieve their tyrannical goals.   They will use deadly force to guarantee their flow of money continues.


 For those in the world of faith the bible records that when a people became too powerful and completely absorbed with their own hubris, they built a tower to establish their dominance.

The solution then was to create separate nations to isolate and create barriers to communication and the tyranny that ensues.  While at this point it is impossible to stop international communications, nor would we want to but the need to have separate nations is the key.  No global establishments of any kind can be supported by any of us who understand tyranny and love freedom.

There are things we can do that must be done in the same way they have had so much success, we have a path back, 

There are insects who infect and control even the mind of the host insect. They take full control as the parasite they are and use the insect until they have gotten all they need - then the host insect is discarded and killed.  We have a parasite problem.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

White kid - beaten to death by multiple blacks


h3 style="text-align: left;">Because America is Asaph and must be destroyed

Because Europe is Amalek and Edom - and must be destroyed 

They must use minorities to ensure whites must not be allowed to reproduce. Whites have stopped their planns to destroy all other people 109 times in history so the jew fears and hates whites the most of all goyim. 


All bullshit - it’s wide open


She and thousands like her across the western world organize, fund and bring them in, because in her words Europe will be forced to be multicultural.  Who gave her the mandate or authority?

She and all those working with here are having a deadly impact

They are part of a plan to conquer by numbers 

Target Groups

Why are these other races the target group the Jews want to bring in?
Because they have the desired murder rate.
  • Blacks 19.7
  • Hispanic 5.93
  • White 2.05
If your stated goal is elimination of the white race …. you bring in those with a high murder rate.

Use the muslim as a broom - as the rabbi himself says 




Here is an approach to get things started  

Absolute mother fuckers


Now even Japan is a Target

Saturday, January 27, 2024


Teach an untalented lazy mentally ill (in too many cases) leech that they can have careers they don’t deserve if they do the following:
  • March and demand “equal rights” - unearned advantage 
  • Get the legal system (lawfare - we know who owns and runs that) to push employers
  • Sue any who don’t put them first - lawfare backed by media 
  • Use “equal rights” organizations to call and pressure companies
  • Cancel all in the organization who say anything about your unfair advantage and lack of skills required to do the job - How to use antisemitism 101, weapon of choice since 1917.
  • Replace CEOs or those a the top with agenda chosen leaders - to further the control.  This is made easier by the lawfare and cancel culture which eventually leads to owners selling out to the money printers.
This is the Jew dystopian dream.

And if this sounds familiar it’s because you’re seeing it in your government too.  All those at the top are bought and paid for and used for exactly the same reason - Complete and total control but government control is to guarantee their money flow from the loans to their banks never stops. 

None of this is possible without the money from the central banking system which gives them the means to buy all politicians, officials and CEO positions they want or see a use for. This money also funds the lawfare and media machine to keep it all in place.

None of this is in any way a joke … this loan and its interest from the governments is the their life blood - and they will, and they do and they are killing to preserve it.  

This is life and death - the only joke is the clowns who think they can laugh at it and their own end which they don’t even see - that’s the only sad joke in any of this.

Here is why

It's the jew - Ode to the pople of 1932

Friday, January 26, 2024

6,000,000 reasons you might as well believe in Santa


Arithmetic is antisemitic

Sean Strickland EXPOSES Disney, and That's a Great Thing

He points out that the left is loosing their minds over Strickland and that their initiates scream for him to be canceled ... but he misses why.  They don’t do this because they can advance equality and love…
They do this so that you will be quite - or canceled if necessary 

They don't want anyone speaking out as they do all the above .. that's why they have this.


Jesus a Christ is an idol and his mother a prostitute


Stew on trafficking, persecution and taxes


No requirement to lay taxes 51:40

Thursday, January 25, 2024

This entire agenda is about genocide of the white race

 One race is under full assault

The countries being invaded now are MAJORITY WHITE
The invaders are all non white - with higher murder and rape rates than whites - brought in for a purpose.
They only call for WHITE WOMEN TO BE RAPED
They only say that Amalek, Edom and Asaph are now WHITE NATIONS AND MUST BE DESTROYED

They target all goyim but whites are the only ones who have stopped them in the past (109 times) this time they are going all out.


These Jews don’t hate soil, or mountains or rivers or grass. When they say they must erase America and Europe - it’s not about the land. This agenda is about white people and the countries and culture they have built period

The evidence is clear

  1. The countries being invaded are all majority white population countries Listen to them tell you from their own mouths here.
    1. A majority of invaders are from African or middle eastern countries 
      1. Blacks have a murder rate of 19.7 ten times that of whites - perfect for an agenda of easing the memory of whiteness
      2. Black from Africa and Asia have no issue with rape - perfect for an agenda of breeding out the whites (what woman will not be damaged psychologically after this) 

    2. Hispanics are then next desired group - simply and primarily because they are not white
      1. They have a murder rate of 5.93  3 times higher than whites - not as deadly as blacks but still good enough to reduce the white population the Jews openly hate.
      2. Hispanics have not been targeted by feminists and educators into believing they are bad and should not have kids so they reproduce faster than whites - breeds them out.
  2. The people Jews teach as being Amalek, Edom and Asaph - nations they teach that their aged has commanded they must destroy - ARE ALL WHITE NATIONS. Listen to them tell you here.

  3. The children they call to be burned alive and the women they call to be raped are always white and only white. 

  4. The race they openly state they will use minorities to ensure they cannot reproduce are white people. Listen to them say kill all the children, erase the memory - use minorities to make it impossible for whites to reproduce.

  5. The only group they openly hate regardless of color are Christians who they say the can kill and shoot in Christian churches with no problem once they have their Sanhedrin back in place. Listen to the say it for yourself here. 



Your Choices

  1. Stay on your knees and prove to the Jew and yourself that you are exactly what they say you are

  1. Stand and show the Jew and your family that you are the man your father thought you were

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

America, Europe and White Children Erased

Taught they must hate and destroy America and Europe and all non Jews

Because America is Asaph and must be destroyed

Because Europe is Amalek and Edom - and must be destroyed 

They must use minorities to ensure whites must not be allowed to reproduce. Whites have stopped their planns to destroy all other people 109 times in history so the jew fears and hates whites the most of all goyim. 


Why bring in these races? Because they meet the desired goal.
Murder rate:
  • Blacks 19.7
  • Hispanic 5.93
  • White 2.05

While the jew uses the black now to help remove the white he fears he eventually will turn his attention back to the black and the other races who he must destroy as they are all goyim .... but right now he uses them as he did when he owned and ran the entire black slave trade.

Eventually all non jews (goyim) must cease to exist 

It's the Jew - Ode to the people of 1932  
While they will eliminate all others (except those the need in their slave class - world population targets of 5,000,000 ...) they are happy to use islam as their broom to wipe away the whites .. as their rabbi says here.

The jew means to ensure that they are killed and the memory of them erased.

The full story if their hatred for you is here.