Monday, November 29, 2021

What states and Governors must do now

 This is a color revolution and they are creeping into power with almost no resistance. 

We have an FBI which arrests citizens and home school moms for free speech and opposition to CRT.  They have become the NKVD goons of the bolsheviks. 

Here is what works 

  1. Force all officers into constitution classes now … not CRT classes
  2. Force all officers and local government to swear an oath the constitution 
  3. Remove all school boards - school principals and admin will talk to parents direct
  4. FBI cannot operate in any state without consent of oath taking local sheriffs 
  5. allow all CITIZENS TO OPEN CARRY - only US citizens 
  6. Force all pharmacies to fill ivermectin and HCQ prescriptions - or better yet fly in ivermectin and HCQ and give it to all citizens for free in a one time Zelenco protocol amount. 
  7. Bring the doctors using hcq and ivermectin to save thousands on tv with you and challenge the DC and media liars …. Shame and expose the local medical establishment for killing thousands with their failed protocols while these hcq doctors are saving almost all they treat.
To back this up citizens should be encouraged to form local militias swearing oaths to constitution and to the Nuremberg codes. 

This is the start we need now. 

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