Sunday, February 21, 2021

Pray for the media .... you have to wonder how they can sleep at night

God does not withhold his justice on those who break his law and this media is now begging for his cup of wrath to be poured out on them. 

All liars are damned   This corrupt media cannot be honest about anything reported. They only push the agenda of their owners ..... they can’t even be honest about the weather as they constantly claim heat records while we observe cooling and have records of the incredible heat in the 1930s that we have never come close to again.

Woe to them that call good evil. They have attacked the known treatments for covid so they could inflate the death numbers by allowing those susceptible to the virus to be murdered in nursing homes while they applauded the emery given to the murderer.

The Lord hates a lying tongue and those who shed innocent blood.  Yes God does hate and this media is filled with so much evil they actually commit all seven of the acts God calls an abomination and tells us he hates those who perform these acts. This last scripture is the most damming indictment of this treasonous hate filled media and they are truly in danger of eternal justice. 

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