Friday, January 8, 2021

Doors simply opened and allowed to walk in in a slow orderly manner

SHOCKING VIDEO Shows Doors Being Opened FOR Protestors To Go Into The Capitol!!! This is the OPPOSITE of what has been reported, yet the video cannot be mistaken. Doors were open, protestors peacefully walked in - no running, no pushing etc Officers stood by as it happened. This DEMANDS some answers. It is CORRUPT not to ask questions or investigate why this happened. I condemn any violence, trespassing, vandalism etc. However, they're two SEPARATE issues. This seems like it was FACILITATED rather than forced and we need answers - not just STATEMENTS but rather QUESTIONS & investigation. Please share. People NEED to see this. PLEASE FOLLOW - I CAN'T POST ON TWITTER & Voices are being silenced! #stopthesteal #election #mikepence #freespeech #elections #protests #fightfortrump #election2020 #electionfraud #realdonaldtrump #presidenttrump #potus #trumptrain #breakingnews #elections #ballotfraud #kag #keepamericagreat #trumppence

-- Peter Tarr PeterTarr Friday, January 8, 2021


  1. I never doubted that this was a setup from the beginning. We are not as stupid as the media thinks.

  2. They are trying to make it look like the deaths in the Capitol were caused by Conservatives. Where is the video of the officer being beaten with a fire extinguisher and who was doing the beating. We know for sure who shot and killed they young woman.
