Sunday, February 9, 2020

Will the lions turn once again

Daniel was one of the most faithful servants of God. In the face of all those elites in power under Nebuchadnezzar coming against him and finally even twisting the laws of the land so they could  send him to the lions he stood fast and remained strong in his faith.

We now have another man standing in a storm of the elite and their lawfare traitors and their bought and paid for accomplices in the media and their Hollywood agenda pushers.
They all come agains him and his brave family even down to the youngest son and yet he stands strong against them and surrounds himself and his family with those who are praying to keep them  safe and on his path.

In the story of  Daniel the very tools of those who wanted to destroy Daniel, their own lions, we’re turned on those who had sought to use them on Daniel because of his faith and his position of power.
The tool of this criminal elite and their lapdog politicians, media and Hollywood degenerates is their perversion of the law through their lawfare cabal. Now we begin to see their weapons being turned on them just as the lions devoured the schemers who changed the laws to come against Daniel but were end the end killed and eaten by their own lions.

The teeth of this criminal elite is their bought and paid for lawyers working against the benefit of free peoples across the world.  They are funded by the elites who get their funding from us ... the taxpayers. This will not end until their ability to pay these twisted lawyers to come against us is removed. All funding of international organizations and foreign aid must stop until we are in control of every penny.

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