Thursday, December 5, 2019

Is Trump attacked purely out of hate for him as a person

 Pelosi, Biden and Romney (yes not just democrats) all have sons openly taking money from Ukrainian companies in exorbitant proportions and some of them and their sons even have "funds" setup taking major amounts of money from Ukraine that ultimately enriches them.

 Schiff has gone to Ukraine for a fundraiser for his reelection to his district in California. Estimates are in the millions of donations from his Ukraine donors ... how is this not foreign interference in US elections?

Sate department foreign aid funds to Ukraine have disappeared in the billions while those taking money from Ukrainian companies have seen their wealth explode. The above didn't want a formal impeachment because of discovery and actual witnesses but they now see that Trump is going to expose their corruption and must act out of self preservation. Do they hate him, yes but only because he threatens exposing them and ending their cash flow. They had to risk a full trial (even though Schiff has bastardized the process to limit that) and ultimately they will be exposed unless Trump is removed, it is their only hope.

 The squad hate him but they have not been in office long enough to have been a part of such extreme corruption. A few have already used funds illegally and know that they will be unable to steal as much as those above if their system is exposed so they share that hatred but they also want to push their communist and Islamic ideologies on the people. This is why they pushed for impeachment harder than Nancy because they have not been in office long enough to be tried for massive theft .. they want their ideologies implemented and don't care how many old guard are exposed and destroyed in the process.

 Hate is the motive, hate for being exposed and hate for being in the way of a communist or Islamic takeover. Hate for loving country and freedom and wanting people to succeed without dishonest extortion.

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