The issues

Sunday, January 14, 2024

What happens next - guaranteed

You are living through history literally being repeated 

Every time history has taken the path that you are on right now - this is the inevitable next step

With the massively successful test run of the gulag system on the j6 political prisoners .

Gulags will now go into full swing. 
    1. Groups targeted for persecution with out due process will be widened 
    2. Laws will be enacted making antisemitism illegal 
      1. The antisemitism act of  1917 was the first law ever passed by Bolsheviks 
      2. They used this law to imprison millions in Russia
      3. They don’t have a new game - if they are in power they will do it again 
    3. Broader laws will be enacted to allow corrupted police to target more Americans
      1. Christians are the largest group in the USA
      2. Laws are already on the books to target them - these laws will be enacted
    4. Gulags will fill - millions will die  - the world will do nothing (as they always do)
    5. Stalin and Castro like iron fisted control will be enforced 
    6. Their grip will last for generations….
    7. Americas children and grandchildren will know nothing but tyranny 
The same old steps they always follow. Same as it ever was, so will it always be.
History is being repeated and you are not the first to go through this.
But this may be the First Nation to make it this pathetically easy for them to do whatever they want with absolutely no resistance. 

How did you get here? How are they so sure they are ready for this final step?
  1. They gained complete control of your media - to program and control
  2. They run the banks to control via debt and enrich them
  3. They have fully infiltrated your government to ensure huge loans to their banks and guarantee you will be forced to repay them
  4. They have gained control of you federal and local police to enforce their unconstitutional tyranny
    1. They can mutilate your children - no police action taken - people do nothing
    2. They push LGBTQ porn on your children - no police action - people do nothing
    3. They can push racial hate on your children - no legal action taken - people do nothing
    4. They can murder hundreds in Vegas - police story crumbles - people do nothing
    5. They can burn thousands alive - use police to box in victims - people do nothing
    6. Police can desecrate the flag - serve a new flag for them - people do nothing
  5. Skies are sprayed and filled with positions every day - no politician even complains
  6. Millions invade your nation - aided by military and police - people do nothing
  7. Laws changed to attack men & push divorce - women go for money - family destroyed
  8. Food supply targeted, plants bombed, animals slaughtered, farmers persecuted
  9. Pharma controlled and used to murder millions - you do nothing 
  10. Gulags setup and tested - j6 prisoners held, tortured & killed - people do nothing
This is why you are here, these steps coupled with your response of doing absolutely nothing to them as they do whatever they want to you is how they know they are ready for the next and final step. 

Get yourself right with God - and get ready to make your stand.

So much if this goes back to us turning our back on the answer to all and the blueprint for the importance of commitment .. too many don't even know that miracles are available to them.

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