The issues

Sunday, January 14, 2024

If Bolsheviks had taken America

 You would see the following if America was now in Bolshevik hands 

  1. The media would be under full control 
    1. All ownership and control of media would be held by Bolshevik families
    2. All reports from media would be propaganda
    3. Stories from media would be promoting American agenda from 1912
  2. Children would be targets of manipulation 
    1. They would be taught that communism is not bad
    2. They would be taught that America and capitalism is bad 
    3. They would push and cover for the races to be favored in the 1912 agenda 
    4. They would attack the race targeted in the Pike letters and the 1912 agenda 
  3. They would have corrupted local governments to gain control of police
    1. Police would be militarized and heavily armed to prepare 
    2. Police would separate themselves from the people the serve and not protect rights
    3. Police would even have their own flag - no longer part of our one nation under all
    4. Federal against would openly disregard law and rights 
    5. Local police and sheriffs - would no longer stop federal agents in lawlessness
    6. Massacres would go unsolved - Vegas, Maui, plant fires …
    7. Abuses of children would go unpunished 
Once they have steps 1 through 3 in place they go on to the final preparation chapters
  1. Starvation and illness pushed 
    1. The food supply would contaminated and attacked
    2. Farms would be targeted 
    3. Farmland would be purchased so it could be controlled
    4. Poison would be introduced as “the new food”  - synthetic / printed unhealthy
    5. Now that bolsheviks have full control of pharma - lethal “medications” would be pushed
  2. Gulags would be introduced … a test run
    1. They would start slowly only targeting groups their media had setup via propaganda 
    2. Laws would be corrupted to allow imprisonment under un-American persecution
    3. Prisoners would be held with no due process
    4. If politicians were completely controlled - nit one of the gulag prisoners would be released 
  3. Targeted races would be replaced by those deemed as “easier to manage”.  Those who have already allowed their nations to be overtaken - and those who will be used to govern.

You Are Here! 
You need only look around you or listen to true reports (not the propaganda machine) to see the evidence of the above.  It’s all in place.

Now - what will happen next?
We simply need to look at the examples of the Bolshevik regimes of the past and those in place now to see their next phase.    Their game has not changed in over 100 years.  If all the above is underway - there is only one step left.

  1. Gulags will now go into full swing.  If the test of the gulag went unopposed (using the group setup by media propaganda)
    1. Groups targeted for persecution with out due process will be widened 
    2. Laws will be enacted making antisemitism illegal 
      1. The antisemitism act of  1917 was the first law ever passed by Bolsheviks 
      2. They used this law to imprison millions in Russia
      3. They don’t have a new game - if they are in power they will do it again 
    3. Broader laws will be enacted to allow corrupted police to target more Americans
      1. Christians are the largest group in the USA
      2. Laws are already on the books to target them - these laws will be enacted
    4. Gulags will fill - millions will die  - the world will do nothing (as they always do)
    5. Stalin and Castro like control will be enforced 
    6. Their grip will last for generations….
    7. Americas children and grandchildren will no nothing but tyranny 

Get yourself right with God - and get ready to make your stand.

So much if this goes back to us turning our back on the answer to all and the blueprint for the importance of commitment .. too many don't even know that miracles are available to them.

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