The issues

Saturday, April 27, 2024

They will let him win - why not?

Mission Accomplished - Massive profits gained

The stated goal to eliminate and replace whites has been achieved

Millions of blacks (19.7 per 100k murder rate) and Hispanics (5.97 per 100k murder rate) have been delivered.  While they are pushed by media and hollywood to interracial relationships others will continue the criminal tribal behavior that grows the police state - both goals of the Jew and both underway.

Massive obscene profits have been made from the invader 

While bringing the invader here the Jew NGO has made billions and more Jew hotel and food and other suppliers to the invader have also made $billions.  Even if the Jew didn’t own the business he has the owner funneling huge percentages of their ill gotten gains to him. 

Of course the banks (all Jew owned and run) who funded the corrupt Jew owned government loans to pay the NGOs and others who organized and delivered the invaders will now crucify the American taxpayer to repay their loans.

Threats relocated

And while bringing these low IQ breeding criminals to our shores they have moved thousands of miles away from Israel so that when the poke the nest …. Their anger will be taken out on their new hosts.

Trump no threat & can push the next vaccine

Invaders will stay

They know Trump will not deport the invaders. All he would have to do is cut off all government money to them and they would leave …. deportations would be unneeded.
Trump only completed part of his wall - they can just stop funding as they wish
Even the installed wall areas are no issue when border patrol and national guard open them..

Trump will not deport them all so why not let him back in now …. Even if he does it plays into their hand.
  • They can then blame Trump 
  • Then they simply bring back any deported invader 
  • And make money on them again via the NGO and their hotels when they return
  • It’s perfect for them.

No persecution of traitors

Trump is a showman … how is Hillary doing these days?  No jail time for her as promised during the campaign.  None of them will be held responsible and they know it. He allowed them to steal the election when he had full control of the military under oath to defend it.
The Supreme Court is now making some common sense moves and even Barr has offered “support” for Trump under lawfare assault.  They know he’s coming back, they know he has been selected by the Jew and that this is all they need do to appease him,

The next plandemic

They already have their WHO powers signed into place under Biden.  Trump will not defy them when in office … he was he biggest vaccine pusher of the all.   They know too that many of his MAGA followers will do whatever he tells them in blind trust so they can again impose tyranny while making billions as they reduce populations and destroy reproductive abilities to achieve their utopia controllable human population numbers.
He is perfect for them.

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