The issues

Saturday, January 27, 2024


Teach an untalented lazy mentally ill (in too many cases) leech that they can have careers they don’t deserve if they do the following:
  • March and demand “equal rights” - unearned advantage 
  • Get the legal system (lawfare - we know who owns and runs that) to push employers
  • Sue any who don’t put them first - lawfare backed by media 
  • Use “equal rights” organizations to call and pressure companies
  • Cancel all in the organization who say anything about your unfair advantage and lack of skills required to do the job - How to use antisemitism 101, weapon of choice since 1917.
  • Replace CEOs or those a the top with agenda chosen leaders - to further the control.  This is made easier by the lawfare and cancel culture which eventually leads to owners selling out to the money printers.
This is the Jew dystopian dream.

And if this sounds familiar it’s because you’re seeing it in your government too.  All those at the top are bought and paid for and used for exactly the same reason - Complete and total control but government control is to guarantee their money flow from the loans to their banks never stops. 

None of this is possible without the money from the central banking system which gives them the means to buy all politicians, officials and CEO positions they want or see a use for. This money also funds the lawfare and media machine to keep it all in place.

None of this is in any way a joke … this loan and its interest from the governments is the their life blood - and they will, and they do and they are killing to preserve it.  

This is life and death - the only joke is the clowns who think they can laugh at it and their own end which they don’t even see - that’s the only sad joke in any of this.

Here is why

It's the jew - Ode to the pople of 1932

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