The issues

Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Situation

 We have people in power who are completely corrupted by their own love of money at every level of government.

They are put there by organized individuals who place them in positions they did not earn and those who put them there ensure that the corrupt individuals know they will lose their ill-gotten position and compensation it they do not do what they are told.

Who is worse ... the controller behind the scenes is the bigger problem.

You would not run into a bathroom being flooded by an open tub faucet and go grab a mop.
You would turn off the faucet first and then get the mop for the consequences.

  • We have people at universities who dont belong - due to Govt affirmative action
  • We have people in positions they did not earn - due to Govt equal opportunity
  • We squatters in residences they can't afford - due to Govt welfare
  • We have invaders destroying and occupying - due to NGOs funded by Govt foreign aid
  • We have corrupt government placed in position - due to organized controllers
  • We have corrupt police keeping the corrupt government safe - due to corrupt Govt
All of the above will do what they are told or they know they will lose what they should not have.
All this setup by outside organized controllers of the government - who are funded by foreign aid from the corrupt government they put in place and control.

There is no way out of this until those orchestrating and controlling are dealt with.
You cannot deal with the symptom until the cause is removed - then you deal with symptoms.

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