Warp Speed contract Classifies Covid injections as Electromagnetic Devices
Warp speed contract does not state that injections are Biological
Nanotec technology developed over last 30 years
Kingston report (21 minutes)
In the injection
MRNA - software - controls the lipid nano particles in the injection
Sequences - code to instruct human cells (programs in the MRNA)
Created and written by company Sino Biological - Beijing
Covid - sequence created in Wuhan
Make viruses
Spike proteins
Cancers …..
Spike proteins - lipid nanotechnology bio weapons
They are programmed to interact with human cells - create toxins
Lipids - self assembling nanotechnology
Fully programmable
Contain a cationic (positive) charge - not natural - man made - fully programmable - they drain close to 50% of energy from the body - tired at all times (34:28)
They get instruction from the MRNA sequences
(23 minutes in)
These patents attempted to be hidden for 75 years (Pfizer)
Moderna - calls MRNA software - calls their vaccine an operating system
Pfizer - calls their vaccine nanotechnology- hydrogels = grapheme oxide fused with quantum dot technology (nothing biological or natural)
Their tech then works with human cells to make new life forms within (.5 human .5 nano)
Self assembling (within the body … huge white clots)
Fully programmable from outside the body (5g+internet+LEOs)
Quantum dot - allows Bluetooth communication with victim (28 minutes)
Luciferous and quantum dot tech are the same thing (just retitled)
Quantum dots - host the electromagnetic fields - produce Bluetooth codes from humans
Negative ions - effective treatment and block of the external programming (38 minutes)
Goal of the pandemic
Get the technology into as many as possible
During pandemic - thousands of new LEO “satellites” launched
During pandemic - thousands of new 5g towers erected
Up to and during pandemic - plans implemented to get all connected to internet (so they can receive new programming)
Internet uses the 5g and LEOs to connect call victims for monitoring and control
(9 minutes to 20 minutes)
White fibrous objects in victims
Dr Ana Mihalcea
Hydrogel in blood samples (45:42)
Blood fills with self assembling nanotech - overtime it can no longer provide oxygen
Blood left in tubes for 4 hours
No testing or moving
Blood separated by itself
Rubbery hydrogel from injection floated to top
Normal biological blood settled to bottom
The rubbery hydrogel cannot be dissolved by blood thinners
Covid patents explained:
Built by EMF (48:15)
Soft actuators - grown in the bodies of the injected
Biosynthesis - programmed to take form of human tissue (grow undetected inside veins and arteries)
They can respond to external stimulus
They can controlled to close and open - automate flow
Controlled remotely by EMF
All injected now have the actuators/receptors inside them
All injected now carry bio nano machines within (1:08:50)
Grapheme based nano antennas - under skin receptor for instruction
They can now be reached via the internet through 5g
They are now part of the “internet of things” - requires 6&7g to fully implement
They are now subject to the 30 year government project to gain control
Transmitters of next level networks (bio nano) being distributed in chemtrails
Project leads: Ian Alkyildiz, Miguel Jomet (53:42)
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